

    “Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.”
    Education is the transmission of civilization. I am extremely glad to remark that our school provides all crucial elements for proper transmission of good culture and civilization. The school offers its students and staff a pristine environment for learning and developing in all spheres of life. We provide an idyllic setting, fine weather, and a natural pollution – free atmosphere, to satisfy a crucial need in today’s world for students to learn, observe, introspect and contemplate. Education in such an ambiance is a rewarding experience. A true person is one who is multi- faceted, who excels academically, has wide interests, and is adorned with physical and spiritual fitness that allows him to move forward. I strongly believe that the progress of the nation is achieved when everyone strives for excellence and people progress when they strive for the best. In their individual and collective growth is the growth of our nation, world order and mankind. We endeavor to instill in every young mind those values, ethos and principles which make an individual a human being in the truest sense. Let us all work together to achieve the target and goal set by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and equip our children with tools to be better human beings.